Our approach
Our approach is built upon the foundation that we expect members of our school communities to be ‘principled, passionate and inclusive’. These key attributes support our vision for inspirational learning opportunities for all members of our school communities, children, staff, parents/carers and the wider community.
As a Trust we are proud that two of our schools have Resource Bases for children with Complex Needs. Currently we have 57 children attending Resource Base provision across River Mead and Castle Mead Schools. The children within our Resource Bases are very much a part of our school community and where appropriate all opportunities for inclusion are explored and encouraged. All of our children benefit from an exciting and engaging curriculum which has been developed to ensure that learning engages children through memorable experiences, is sequenced in a logical and progressive way and is built upon a range of high quality children’s texts.
We recognise our legal and moral duty to promote the wellbeing of children and keep them safe. Safeguarding and child protection is at the core of everything we do and is of paramount importance, overriding all other considerations. Regardless of age, gender, race, culture or disability our children have the right to be safe in our schools. We actively listen to our children and take seriously what they tell us.
If you would like to discuss any aspect of our approach further please contact us at hello@themeadtrust.org.