Maths Counts
The Mead School was awarded a grant by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) to develop, trial and implement a maths intervention for children in Key Stage 2. This wide-ranging programme of support brought together years of experience in one-to-one intensive maths support and was called Maths Counts.
The intervention is supported and resourced by an online portal which contains lessons, resources, ideas, feedback and motivation to be accessed by the child, Learning Partner, Lead Teacher and parents. This ‘digital tool’ is a one-stop-shop that contains National Curriculum content, setting out a progression of knowledge, skills and understanding in small achievable steps. It was specifically designed to appeal to children and allows their Learning Partners to access a range of relevant learning resources and lessons to support each learning objective. Evidence of learning can be easily uploaded in the form of documents, photographs, video clips or other media.
Maths Counts draws on the most recent evidence about supporting pupils with particular learning needs, including the principles of the highly regarded Every Child Counts ‘Numbers Count’ programme.
Maths Counts has a strong commitment to closing the attainment gap and this is a fundamental principle of its design and implementation. The programme of study is delivered by trained Learning Partners, in three 30 minute sessions per week for 10 weeks.
To find out more about Maths Counts please visit the programme website. If you are interested in finding about more about how we can support the implementation of Maths Counts in your school please email us.