School improvement

Our team of specialists can support schools whatever their stage of development, from those in challenging circumstances to those who just want to learn from each other and move their schools forward.

We offer bespoke support packages designed to meet the needs of individual schools. We can work with you to identify appropriate strategies or interventions to move your school forward, or our specialists can share their expertise having worked in a variety of contexts. 

Our CEO, Lyssy Bolton, is a National Leader of Education (NLE). NLEs are Headteachers, Executive Headteachers and CEOs who have experience of effectively supporting schools in challenging circumstances. They and their staff provide high-quality support to those most in need, in order to make a difference for all children in our schools. 

If you would like to find out more about the support we can offer, please email us.

I would like to extend my personal thanks to you for the support you have provided to a Wiltshire school.
This has been another extraordinary year for everyone working in education, and especially for those leading schools. The role of the headteacher has been crucial in steering the school community through the pandemic; it has been an extremely challenging time. In your capacity as a National Leader of Education you supported this school. I know your support has been greatly appreciated and was evident in the Ofsted monitoring visit. Thank you.
Helean Hughes

Director Education and Skills, Wiltshire Local Authority

Specialist Learning Experts

Our Specialist Learning Experts are experienced Middle or Senior Leaders who focus on developing the capacity and capability of other leaders so that they have the skills to lead their own teams and improve practice in their own schools. 

Sarah Penny

Emma Larkham

Louise Harrison

Becs Millard

Theo Gaines
Early Years

Emma Lewis

Leanne Cunningham

Gaby Simons